Monday, March 15, 2010

MGMT 3430 chapter 15

1. Concept and Brief Description

In chapter 15 the authors discuss HRM in international markets. They say that there are four major factors. They are:

• Culture
• Education
• Economic systems
• Political-legal systems

I am going to talk more about culture. This is by far the most important of the four. Culture plays a very big role in the way one does business, the way they act, and the way they interact.

There is really no culture exactly alike. They all have different things that are ok, and things that are taboo. To combat this many businesses look to hire people that have knowledge and experience in other cultures so they can be more effective there.

2. Emotional Hook (provocative question/claim/real-life problem)

Globalization is very much a part of our society. How does a growing business deal with vendors, and subcontractors from all over the world?

How must businesses compete to stay on top?

3. Key Points to Elicit in Discussion

Hofstede’s classic study on culture:
• Individualism/ collectivism
• Power distance
• Uncertainty avoidance
• Masculinity/ femininity
• Long term/ short term orientation

4. Facilitative Questions

How could an HRM effectively implement an HR practice in multiple areas of the world?

What obstacles might stand in their way?

MGMT 3430 Chapter 14 reflection

In class we talked about unions, which is what I discussed earlier. Unions have a place, and I do not see them going anywhere fast. Unions started because a company did not value their employees. These employees felt that this was the only way to get their message heard. Toward the end of class we played a little game. For this game the class was split into two groups, the union, and the company. The object of the game was to get the most points. It was supposed to reflect the process of negotiations. We had to either agree, or disagree. In this case we had no idea what we were agreeing about, so for the most part each side disagreed. About half way we came to an agreement and both sides had decided to agree, and then at the last minute the company disagreed, and we were able to take the lead. This caused there to be mistrust, and both sides disagreed until the last question, and both came to agreement.

MGMT 3430 Chapter 14

1. Concept and Brief Description

In chapter fourteen the authors take some time to discuss the role of unions. Unions were originally organized to create a voice for the workers. This organization allowed employees the chance to share their concerns and ideas with upper management without the fear of retribution. There are a variety of different union organizations that range from teachers unions to craftsman’s unions.

2. Emotional Hook (provocative question/claim/real-life problem)

Unions are a reality. They have become deeply rooted in almost all forms of work. As an employer what might you do if there was the potential for the formation of a union in your business? As an employee, what might you do if you were approached with the chance to join a union?

3. Key Points to Elicit in Discussion

• Union dues. Being part of a union is not free.

• Collective voice. Not as much individuality.

• Potential for strikes if agreements are not made. This means no money.

• this web page has some interesting bias info on unions.

4. Facilitative Questions

I am pro-union. I feel that they have a place in many occupations, but not all. The important thing to remember is that there needs to be balance. It cannot be all take and no give on both sides of the equation.

With that said what can employers do to keep unions out of their business?

If a union formed in a business what is the business going to do to fix the problem that forced employees to act in such a manner?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

MGMT 3430 chapter 12 reflection

Chapter 12 and 11 seemed to be much of the same, only real difference between the two was that in 12 the authors went further in detail than they had in chapter 11. While in our discussion groups we discuss much of the same thing about the chapters. We spent some time talking about executive pay and the affects that it has on the moral of the employees. There is the perception that company executives get huge bonuses and that the employees have to pay for that by getting sub standard wages and these executives still get their money even if the company does poorly. There has to be a way that everyone in a company can get compensated the way they should. I guess when it comes down to it you cannot please everyone, and you just have to do the best you can.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

MGMT 3430 Chapter 12

1.      Concept and Brief Description
In chapter 12 the authors discuses more on pay, specifically they discuss pay as recognition for employee contributions. I want to discuss incentive pay for executives. According to the authors executives have a greater affect on an organizations performance that that of the employees. I tend to slightly disagree on the idea that no matter what decision an executive makes it is up to the hourly employees to implement and follow these instructions. With that I feel that all employees have an effect on an organization it is just in different ways that affect may happen.  There are a couple of different way executives receive their incentives. There are short-term, and long-term.  Most of these are based on the overall performance of the company. Example is the stock is high the company is doing well this bonuses will be good. The biggest thing I can take from this is be honest lying and cheating have a way of coming back and ruining everything.
2.      Emotional Hook (provocative question/claim/real-life problem)
·         How can an organization structure incentive so there cans is fairness throughout the company?
·         How might you structure incentives if it were up to you?
3.      Key Points to Elicit in Discussion
·         As an executive there is great temptation to fib the numbers to get a better bonus.
·         Example are
o   WorldCom, Enron, Global Crossing, and so on.
4.      Facilitative Questions
·         How might a company stop a scandal from happening about incentives or pay?
·         What steps should companies be taking to ensure correct information is reported?

MGMT 3430 Chapter 11 Reflection

So I aparently lost the content fo rthis post. Oops my bad. So for this reflection I am going to have to look back a couple of days. I class we had a guest speaker. Jeff Weber came to our class an spoke to us. He is the VP of People at He spoke to us on compensation. He spent some time discussing the difference between Exempt and non-exempt employees. Apperently there are many businesses that get this wrong and are leaving them selves open to law suits. He also talked a little about the Lilly Ledbetter pay act of 2009. for more info see

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

MGMT 3430 Chapter 11

1. Concept and Brief Description

Pay grades are established by companies by grouping similar jobs of worth or content. Each group has a base and also a maximum with regards to the pay structure. However, there are drawbacks to such a structure.

2. Emotional Hook (provocative question/claim/real-life problem)

Let’s suppose you worked for a large commercial construction company that used this form of pay structure. In this structure the company grouped your position, Senior Engineer, with the Senior Project Manager. In the view of the company each has a very important role; each has similar worth to the company. The only problem is the market rate for the engineer is higher than that of the manager. The company pays the same rate for each only because they are in the same pay grade.

• As the Senior Engineer how would knowing this affect your overall satisfaction with the company?

• Would knowing this make you decide to work somewhere else?

3. Key Points to Elicit in Discussion

• Pay grades are taking similar jobs that are such in either worth or content and then placing a general pay scale for that group.

• There can be multiple pay grades with-in a company.

4. Facilitative Questions

• How can a company know that the pay grades they have created are correct?

• How can knowing the pay grade for your position affect your performance?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

MGMT 3430 Chapter 10 Reflection

In class we really did not get to far into chapter 10. We had a guest speaker that had a number of different HR topics prepared. All he wqanted to know was what we really wanted to know about. Our guest speaker was John Campell. He has a Masters in HR, and has worked in the  private and public sectors as well as in goernment, manufacturing, health care, not-for-profit, and also union. He spoke to us on pay, and the impact that it has on the employees. He is under the thought that employees are not motivated by pay, ther are other intrinsic factors that motivate them to come to work and do a good job. Although he says people are not motivated by pay he did say that a company needs to be doing market pricing. They need to know what the going rate is in the area for the same work.
Before the speaker we talked about training and development. We took the two and put them up against each other and compared them.
Training                            vs.                           Development
Current                                                            Future
low use of experience                                       High use of experience
preperation for current job                                preperation for changes
Required                                                          Voluntary

We also talked about a couple of different assessment tools out there. the most used one being the Myers Briggs Type Indicator which is a personality test. We also discussed assessment center which are expencive but usefull, benchmark assessments, performance appraisals, and 360- degree feedback.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

MGMT 3430 Chapter 10

1. Concept and Brief Description

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is methods of solving a problem by bringing in an impartial third party that is not the court. ADR has four steps that it goes through they are:

a. Open-door policy

b. Peer review

c. Mediation

d. Arbitration

A problem will proceed through each of the step until a resolution can be reached. Huston-based Kellogg, Brown and Root used ADR for four years and saw a 90% drop in legal fees. Of 2000 disputes only 30 reached the stage of binding arbitration.

2. Emotional Hook (provocative question/claim/real-life problem)

• How might the four steps of ADR help reach a resolution quicker and more cost effective than by using the courts?

• Have you ever had to use a company’s open-door policy before?

o How did it help you?

3. Key Points to Elicit in Discussion

a. Open-door policy- this is a policy that makes managers available to hear employee issues and complaints.

b. Peer review- In this the dispute is taken before a panel of representatives from the organization that are at the same levels as those in the dispute.

c. Mediation- This is a non-binding process where a neutral party from outside the company hears the case and attempts to help the people resolve their conflict and arrive at settlement.

d. Arbitration- This is a binding process where a professional arbitrator from outside the company hears the case and then resolves it by making a decision. This person is usually a judge or a lawyer.

4. Facilitative Questions

• If you were a company owner how might you use the ADR steps to help your company grow?

• Does this seem like a better way of dealing with issues?

o How is it better?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

MGMT 3430 chapter 9

1. Concept and Brief Description

Job rotation is the moving of employees through a series of job assignments in one or more functional areas. The example given in the book is an employee working for a bank IT program might rotate through six different IT departments to work on a certain project.

2. Emotional Hook (provocative question/claim/real-life problem)

Have you ever participated in job rotation?

What did you learn from it?

How might this benefit the company and employee?

3. Key Points to Elicit in Discussion

When using job rotation as a way to cross train, or fill positions it is important to remember the following:

• Job rotation needs to be used to develop skills as well as gain experience for management careers.

• Employees must understand specifically what skills rotation is to develop.

• The organization needs to use rotation for all levels of employment.

• Job rotation needs to be linked with career management processes so employees know what development needs each assignment addresses.

• The organization needs to manage the timing of rotations to maximize their benefits and minimize the costs.

• All employees need to have equal opportunity for job rotation regardless of their demographic group.

4. Facilitative Questions

Is job rotation sound like something you would want to do as an employee?

How might participating affect your view of your job?

MGMT 3430 Chapter 8 Reflection

Today while in out class groups we discussed training and how ineffective it can be when executed incorrectly. I have always thought of training as a self-pasted. Sorry for the spelling. We talked abut our experience with poor training practices, and discussed some things that might make it a better process.

Training is an important part of business. It is how managers ensure their team is able to meet the business needs. Businesses have spent millions in training programs, and have invested at least as much in their teams. The important thing with training is that it needs to be followed up on and it needs to be continuous.

Monday, February 8, 2010

MGMT 3430 Chapter 8

1. Concept and Brief Description

Chapter 8 focuses on performance management. Performance management is one of the primary ways a manager regulates the productivity and quality of the teams work. For performance management system to be effective it needs to meet several criteria. They are:

• Fit with strategy

• Validity

• Reliability

• Acceptability

• Specific feedback

2. Emotional Hook (provocative question/claim/real-life problem)

What might happen to a performance management system if it was missing or failing one of the above criteria?

How might this effect the outcome of an interaction between a manager and a team member?

Have you ever had this happen to you?

3. Key Points to Elicit in Discussion

As I stated before, for a performance management system to be effective it must have each of the five things listed above. I will go in a little more depth with each now.

1. Fit with strategy: In this case the system needs to be focused on the same things as the company is focused on. If the company is focused on quality the system needs to have that same focus.

2. Validity: Does the system measure all relevant aspects of performance.

3. Reliability: This describes the consistency of the results. Is this system getting the needed results all the time or is it falling short.

4. Acceptability: This is what it says is the system something the people that will be using it accept, and are willing to use.

5. Specific feedback: The employee needs to know the exact expectation. Feedback needs to be given in a direct and clear manner. There needs to be a clear expectation of improvement and consequences to not meeting those expectations. There must also be a time frame in which performance will be reviewed.

4. Facilitative Questions

How effective can a performance management system be if it does not meet the above requirements?

What might you do as a manager to ensure this process was followed correctly?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

MGMT 3430 Chapter 6

1. Concept and Brief Description

Resumes are the usual way in which an applicant introduces themselves to a potential employer. Information on a resume is bias in favor of the applicant. Due to this nature employers use this information as a starting point for further investigation of the applicant. Resumes are

2. Emotional Hook (provocative question/claim/real-life problem)

Most of us have developed or reviewed a resume before. What parts of a resume seem to grab your attention, if you were an employer?

3. Key Points to Elicit in Discussion

Some things to remember:

• Resumes are biased.

• Information may be inaccurate.

• Information could be false

• They should always be accompanied by references.

• Resumes are only the beginning

4. Facilitative Questions

What format would you use when creating a resume?

What graphics or fonts do you think might stand out to an employer?

Is there a universal template for a resume?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

MGMT 3430 Chapter 4

1. Concept and brief Description

Job enrichment is empowering workers to take on a more personal role in their work by giving them more responsibility for their job. This is done by adding more decision-making authority to them.

2. Emotional Hook

Have you ever been in a job where all you did was the same thing over and over? You were unable to make changes to it that would improve it and your supervisors only thought of you as a person to get a job completed not a way of improving the effectiveness of a job?

3. Key points to Elicit in Discussion

According to Fredrick Herzberg’s two-factor theory people are motivated more by intrinsic aspects than by extrinsic ones. So in other words they find a sense of accomplishment when they are able to make a job theirs and they can make changes and improvements to it to make it better.

Herzberg also identified five factors he associated with a motivating job:

1. Achievement
2. Recognition
3. Growth
4. Responsibility
5. Performance of the entire job

4. Facilitative questions

IF you were in a situation where you were not satisfied by your job?

Would you try to make changes without the consent of your supervisor, or would you try to convince them it was a good idea?

How might an HRM affect this in the work place?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Current HR Legal Issue
The above link will take you to an article from Newsweek. The article is about sexual harasment, and discusses a couple of experiences businesses are having with the issue.

MGMT 3430 Chapter 3 Reflection

In class on Tuesday we started to discuss a couple of the different laws HR managers deal with daily. While in our groups we discussed issues like sexual harassment. This is a serious issue that can have very serious consequences if not dealt with immediately. Something else HR managers get to deal with is OSHAI know I discussed it in my previous post, but OSHA protects workers. They are the ones that produce, sell, and fix the things that keep the business going. One of the main parts of HR management is the wellbeing of the workers. HR managers sure do have their work cut out for them.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

MGMT 3430 Chapter 3

1. Concept and Brief Description

In chapter three there was extensive discussion about OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Act). OSHA was enacted by the federal government in 1970 in response to the 15,000 work-related fatalities that had been occurring annually. This Act was the most comprehensive act regarding worker safety. This divided the enforcement responsibilities between the department of labor, and the department of health.

2. Emotional Hook (provocative question/claim/real-life problem)

According to OSHA law who is responsible for the safety of employees?
Did you know that you could be fined up to $5,000 if an OSHA inspector sees you pass a pallet standing on end and not place it down on the ground?
The following link shows the top 10 OSHA violations for 2007. Scroll down to the article about Cintas and see the fines accrued for their violations.

3. Key Points to Elicit in Discussion

• OSHAs primary purpose is the safety of workers.

• Employee rights
o Request an inspection
o Have a representative present at an inspection
o Have dangerous substances identified
o Have employer violations posted at the work site

• MSDS sheets

4. Facilitative Questions

Why is OSHA so important?
What impact has OSHA had in the work place?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

MGMT 3430 chapter 2 Reflection

Today in class we had the chance to view a video about Pikes Place Fish Market in Seattle. This was interesting to me because I work for a retailer that has used a similar video about Pikes Place to show the impact employees can have when they demonstrate great customer service. Some of the points that were made really show that all it takes in many cases is a change on the views of management. TO get to know a little bit more about Pikes Place go to the following link: . If you take some time to visit the website you can really see what this company is all about, and the effects of the different changes management made that have turned a company on the verge of closing their doors to truly a world famous company.

Other points made were:
· A desire to be world famous
· A change in the management style
· Remember employees are not just numbers

Another topic of discussion was the concept of teamwork. While in our groups we discussed this and came up with the idea that team work is not just working together on the same team, but it is multiple groups, departments and individuals working towards the meeting of a common goal by collaborating and cross training.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

MGMT 3430 chapter 2

1. Concept and Brief Description
High-Performance Work Systems can be defined as an organization that has the best possible fit between their social system, or people and how they interact, and their technical system, or equipment and process.
2. Emotional Hook (provocative question/claim/real-life problem)
How can an HR Manager create a system that has this kind of balance?
3. Key Points to Elicit in Discussion
HR managers are probably the first to have an impact on this system. They are the ones doing the hiring, and finding the potential employees that have the qualities that are going to help make the system balanced and smooth. There are three ways in which they impact this system;
The first is by promoting knowledge workers. These employees are customer service people. They are service trained, and can use those skills to satisfy the needs of the customer. After all a happy customer is one that will come back.
The second is employee empowerment. These employees have been encouraged, or empowered to make decisions about the job. To make changes that would help to make things better.
The third is teamwork. This one is self explanatory. Develop a team that can collaborate and work together to meet a common goal and you have great way to get work completed.
4. Facilitative Questions
As an HR how would you use the three aspects to create a balanced high-performance work system?
How might you fix a broken system?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Semester Begins

The Spring semester has begin and for this semester I have the chance to tell all about what is going on throughout the semester. I will have reflections from classes, as well as other postings. Hope you all enjoy.