1. Concept and Brief Description
Chapter 8 focuses on performance management. Performance management is one of the primary ways a manager regulates the productivity and quality of the teams work. For performance management system to be effective it needs to meet several criteria. They are:
• Fit with strategy
• Validity
• Reliability
• Acceptability
• Specific feedback
2. Emotional Hook (provocative question/claim/real-life problem)
What might happen to a performance management system if it was missing or failing one of the above criteria?
How might this effect the outcome of an interaction between a manager and a team member?
Have you ever had this happen to you?
3. Key Points to Elicit in Discussion
As I stated before, for a performance management system to be effective it must have each of the five things listed above. I will go in a little more depth with each now.
1. Fit with strategy: In this case the system needs to be focused on the same things as the company is focused on. If the company is focused on quality the system needs to have that same focus.
2. Validity: Does the system measure all relevant aspects of performance.
3. Reliability: This describes the consistency of the results. Is this system getting the needed results all the time or is it falling short.
4. Acceptability: This is what it says is the system something the people that will be using it accept, and are willing to use.
5. Specific feedback: The employee needs to know the exact expectation. Feedback needs to be given in a direct and clear manner. There needs to be a clear expectation of improvement and consequences to not meeting those expectations. There must also be a time frame in which performance will be reviewed.
4. Facilitative Questions
How effective can a performance management system be if it does not meet the above requirements?
What might you do as a manager to ensure this process was followed correctly?
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