1. Concept and Brief Description
Resumes are the usual way in which an applicant introduces themselves to a potential employer. Information on a resume is bias in favor of the applicant. Due to this nature employers use this information as a starting point for further investigation of the applicant. Resumes are
2. Emotional Hook (provocative question/claim/real-life problem)
Most of us have developed or reviewed a resume before. What parts of a resume seem to grab your attention, if you were an employer?
3. Key Points to Elicit in Discussion
Some things to remember:
• Resumes are biased.
• Information may be inaccurate.
• Information could be false
• They should always be accompanied by references.
• Resumes are only the beginning
4. Facilitative Questions
What format would you use when creating a resume?
What graphics or fonts do you think might stand out to an employer?
Is there a universal template for a resume?
I wish that we could get rid of resumes, they are such a formality and probably have no bearing on most of the hiring decisions that take place. Unfortunately they are still something that gets you into the door.