Monday, March 15, 2010

MGMT 3430 chapter 15

1. Concept and Brief Description

In chapter 15 the authors discuss HRM in international markets. They say that there are four major factors. They are:

• Culture
• Education
• Economic systems
• Political-legal systems

I am going to talk more about culture. This is by far the most important of the four. Culture plays a very big role in the way one does business, the way they act, and the way they interact.

There is really no culture exactly alike. They all have different things that are ok, and things that are taboo. To combat this many businesses look to hire people that have knowledge and experience in other cultures so they can be more effective there.

2. Emotional Hook (provocative question/claim/real-life problem)

Globalization is very much a part of our society. How does a growing business deal with vendors, and subcontractors from all over the world?

How must businesses compete to stay on top?

3. Key Points to Elicit in Discussion

Hofstede’s classic study on culture:
• Individualism/ collectivism
• Power distance
• Uncertainty avoidance
• Masculinity/ femininity
• Long term/ short term orientation

4. Facilitative Questions

How could an HRM effectively implement an HR practice in multiple areas of the world?

What obstacles might stand in their way?

MGMT 3430 Chapter 14 reflection

In class we talked about unions, which is what I discussed earlier. Unions have a place, and I do not see them going anywhere fast. Unions started because a company did not value their employees. These employees felt that this was the only way to get their message heard. Toward the end of class we played a little game. For this game the class was split into two groups, the union, and the company. The object of the game was to get the most points. It was supposed to reflect the process of negotiations. We had to either agree, or disagree. In this case we had no idea what we were agreeing about, so for the most part each side disagreed. About half way we came to an agreement and both sides had decided to agree, and then at the last minute the company disagreed, and we were able to take the lead. This caused there to be mistrust, and both sides disagreed until the last question, and both came to agreement.

MGMT 3430 Chapter 14

1. Concept and Brief Description

In chapter fourteen the authors take some time to discuss the role of unions. Unions were originally organized to create a voice for the workers. This organization allowed employees the chance to share their concerns and ideas with upper management without the fear of retribution. There are a variety of different union organizations that range from teachers unions to craftsman’s unions.

2. Emotional Hook (provocative question/claim/real-life problem)

Unions are a reality. They have become deeply rooted in almost all forms of work. As an employer what might you do if there was the potential for the formation of a union in your business? As an employee, what might you do if you were approached with the chance to join a union?

3. Key Points to Elicit in Discussion

• Union dues. Being part of a union is not free.

• Collective voice. Not as much individuality.

• Potential for strikes if agreements are not made. This means no money.

• this web page has some interesting bias info on unions.

4. Facilitative Questions

I am pro-union. I feel that they have a place in many occupations, but not all. The important thing to remember is that there needs to be balance. It cannot be all take and no give on both sides of the equation.

With that said what can employers do to keep unions out of their business?

If a union formed in a business what is the business going to do to fix the problem that forced employees to act in such a manner?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

MGMT 3430 chapter 12 reflection

Chapter 12 and 11 seemed to be much of the same, only real difference between the two was that in 12 the authors went further in detail than they had in chapter 11. While in our discussion groups we discuss much of the same thing about the chapters. We spent some time talking about executive pay and the affects that it has on the moral of the employees. There is the perception that company executives get huge bonuses and that the employees have to pay for that by getting sub standard wages and these executives still get their money even if the company does poorly. There has to be a way that everyone in a company can get compensated the way they should. I guess when it comes down to it you cannot please everyone, and you just have to do the best you can.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

MGMT 3430 Chapter 12

1.      Concept and Brief Description
In chapter 12 the authors discuses more on pay, specifically they discuss pay as recognition for employee contributions. I want to discuss incentive pay for executives. According to the authors executives have a greater affect on an organizations performance that that of the employees. I tend to slightly disagree on the idea that no matter what decision an executive makes it is up to the hourly employees to implement and follow these instructions. With that I feel that all employees have an effect on an organization it is just in different ways that affect may happen.  There are a couple of different way executives receive their incentives. There are short-term, and long-term.  Most of these are based on the overall performance of the company. Example is the stock is high the company is doing well this bonuses will be good. The biggest thing I can take from this is be honest lying and cheating have a way of coming back and ruining everything.
2.      Emotional Hook (provocative question/claim/real-life problem)
·         How can an organization structure incentive so there cans is fairness throughout the company?
·         How might you structure incentives if it were up to you?
3.      Key Points to Elicit in Discussion
·         As an executive there is great temptation to fib the numbers to get a better bonus.
·         Example are
o   WorldCom, Enron, Global Crossing, and so on.
4.      Facilitative Questions
·         How might a company stop a scandal from happening about incentives or pay?
·         What steps should companies be taking to ensure correct information is reported?

MGMT 3430 Chapter 11 Reflection

So I aparently lost the content fo rthis post. Oops my bad. So for this reflection I am going to have to look back a couple of days. I class we had a guest speaker. Jeff Weber came to our class an spoke to us. He is the VP of People at He spoke to us on compensation. He spent some time discussing the difference between Exempt and non-exempt employees. Apperently there are many businesses that get this wrong and are leaving them selves open to law suits. He also talked a little about the Lilly Ledbetter pay act of 2009. for more info see